I went to see if Jenny could help me just before we went into lock-down and have since had all of our sessions online through video sessions. I asked about lots of issues that I had and she said that she could try to help with all of them. The main issue for me was a huge lack of confidence at work (which had even been pointed out to me by bosses) and with certain women that I liked. These resulted in difficulties which were both of verbal and physical attributes. Now I'd never been to anything like this before, so the first thing for me to realise was that it wasn't like anything you see in the movies (at least not with Jenny anyway). It isn't one session and you're fixed, and you don't have a stopwatch being swung in front of you to get you into a trance state either. It's much more about concentrating on the positives, learning about what's actually happening to your brain in those moments, and then gradually changing your thought processes over time to make things clearer. It feels a little unusual, but isn't weird, and the bedtime audio becomes very relaxing and satisfying, even if I did get the giggles the first few times. I can't say that I wasn't skeptical or even that I wasn't totally convinced that it was doing anything sometimes, but over time it's left a sort of calmness and confidence to deal with situations better, to the extent that I'm doing things that I never ever thought I'd be confident enough to do before, and not constantly looking over my shoulder worried what everyone else's opinions will be. But to counter that, I also haven't changed who I am, which was also a big fear, so I'm only saying and doing what I wished I could've done in the past, rather than doing things which are totally out of my character. It's a boost rather than a rip out the old and bring in the new. Don't get me wrong, this isn't some sort of miracle cure, because you do have to work at it as well, but I guess it's a way to try to help me guide myself with any problems I face in the future too.I've had other help too, but Jenny has been instrumental to the change and guided me and picked up on and dealt with any other issues along the way. I really believe she could help many people with loads of different problems, but you just need to be open to letting her in to help you. As a further testament, I've just had the dreaded virus and been locked away isolating again, and despite being knocked about by it a bit, I still feel confident that the changes Jenny instigated are still there to help in lifes ups and downs, so it's not just a quick short term fix either! Thanks again Jenny!